Archived News from the PPU

Row Person of the Year for 2024 - Gerry Keenan (Class of 1971)

The Past Pupils Union is delighted to announce that Gerry Keenan (Class of 71) has been elected Row Person of the Year for 2024. Gerry started in the CBS Westlad Row Secondary School in 1966 and later graduated from University College Dublin and London School of Economics. Subsequently, he held roles at University College Cork, The Economic and Social Research Institute and the Central Bank. More information on Gerry can be found on the PPU Blog at" or just click on the underlined link below:

  • Gerry Keenan
  • Mass for Deceased Past Pupils - Sunday, 3 December 2023 at 11.30AM

    The Archbishop of Dublin, Dermot Farrell, will celebrate a Mass on Sunday, 3 December 2023 at 11.30AM, commemorating St Andrew's Day. The Mass will also commemorate those pupils from CBS Westland Row who died during the past year. The PPU has a list of those who died including Noel Halloran, Eugene Strong, Stephen Kenny, Michael Doyle, Paul Kealy, Ian McGarry, Martin Conway, Denis McKennedy, Bryan O’Higgins, Gerry Hammond and Willie Meier. Inevitably, we will miss some people. So, perhaps you would be good enough to pass on to me the names of any past pupil you are aware of who died since early last December. Normally, the names of deceased past pupils are read out at the Mass, so we will be passing on the list to the Sacristan next week. We normally have good representation from the PPU at the Mass. You are more than welcome to attend.

    John Cullen (Hon. Secretary) - Email:

    Annual Dinner - Westbury Hotel - Date for Your Diary - 27th January, 2024

    The Westland Row PPU Annual Dinner is scheduled to take place on the last Saturday in January at the Westbury Hotel, Balfe Street, Dublin 2 as has been the tradition for many years now. Dinner is tentatively scheduled for 7.30 pm. So please mark your diaries/calendars, 7.00 pm for 7.30 pm on 27/01/2024. As we must give the hotel expected numbers as soon as possible we would kindly request that you let the Honorary Secretary Mr. John Cullen know as soon as possible of your intention to attend. He can be contacted at - Email: or by Mobile Phone: 087 2312728. Ticket prices will be advised soon.

    We look forward to welcoming very many past pupils to the Westbury on the evening of January 27th, 2024.

    Call for Nominations: Row Person of the Year - 2024

    The Westland Row PPU committee seeks nominations for Row Person of the Year - 2024 from the community of past pupils. The award will be made at the annual PPU dinner, tentatively scheduled for the annually recurring last Saturday in January (2024). Names along with some background information on nominees should be emailed to the Honorary Secretary, John Cullen at Please do so by Friday, November 10th, 2023. The PPU committee wish to thank past pupils in advance for their nominations.

    Bryan O'Higgins RIP

    The death has occurred of long serving Westland Row CBS PPU committee member Bryan O’Higgins. Brian passed away on December 22, 2022 and was a retired Superintendent in an Garda Síochána. He had a long and distinguished career heading up the Fraud Squad and the Garda Press Office before taking up a posting as Head of UN Policing Operations in Kosovo. Brian was elected Row Person of the Year in 1997. Jim Conway has posted a News Blog piece on Bryan which you can view by clicking on 'Bryan O'Higgins RIP' below. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a h'anam dílís.

  • Bryan O'Higgins RIP
  • Gerry Davey – ROW Person of the Year 2023

    The PPU is delighted to announce that Gerry Davey has been elected Row Person of the Year for 2023. Gerry is a member of the Class of 1962. He will be presented with the PV Doyle Trophy at the Annual Dinner which will be held, as usual, at the Westbury on January 28th, 2023. Please see Jim Conway's comprehensive piece on Gerry and his many achievements with both Clanna Gael and Dublin, available on the PPU News Blog. Click on the link 'Gerry Davey' below or cut and paste the following link into your internet browser to go directly to the story -

  • Gerry Davey
  • Annual PPU Dinner - Westbury Hotel, Saturday, January 28th 2023

    Book now to catch up with old friends in the Westbury Hotel. We’re back to our traditional January date providing an opportunity to meet old friends, celebrate class group anniversaries and the Row Person of the Year 2023. We look forward to welcoming all past pupils of the school to this always enjoyable event. The cost is €70 per person and can be paid at the door by cash or cheque. Please go to the NewsBlog to keep up with updates in the interim.

    New President Dan Ferrari launches fundraising appeal

    The proportion of WR CBS students entering higher eduction has increased from 15% to 70% in recent years. The PPU provides one scholarship to the value of €2,000 each year. The annual income of €900 comes from subscriptions and the raffle which takes place in January each year. So the PPU is currently running at a loss. PPU expenses are close to zero as work on its behalf is completely voluntary and some of the recurring costs costs are personally sustained by committee members. As communicated in a recent email, the President would like to offer two bursaries per annum. To do so we would ask past pupils to pay the annual subscription – the suggested amount is €25.00 (of course you can pay more or less as circumstances dictate - all support for the school and its pupils is very much appreciated). One way to do this is by completing the bank mandate and sending it back to Dan Ferrari at his email address ( The bank mandate can be downloaded from Download Form (Word). You can download a video message from 2021 bursary winner Kacper Jaroszynski at Kacper's Message. It is a .mov file and the size is 30MB. Please see the News Blog for further details.

    Assistant Principal Eddie Kelly Retires

    Eddie Kelly retires at the end of the 2020/2021 school year after 41 years of service to the school. The PPU wishes Eddie all the very best for his upcoming retirement and expresses its sincere thanks to him for all of his many contributions to the School and support for the PPU over the decades. Please see the News Blog to view some touching tributes to Eddie.

    New PPU President Dan Ferrari

    Dan Ferrari was elected PPU President for a two year term at the AGM on May 27th, 2021. The best of luck to Dan, who has served as PPU Treasurer over the past few years, in his new role as the lead officer. Please see the News Blog for further details.

    AGM - Thursday May 27th 2021

    The AGM takes place online starting at 7pm on the evening of Thursday, May 27th 2021. The meeting will take place over Zoom. To attend the meeting launch the Zoom App on your phone, tablet or laptop. Enter the meeting ID Number 99667667226. If asked for a passcode enter the number 776587. If you do not have the Zoom App then go to the Zoom website at and click on Join (at the top of the page, right hand side). Next enter the meeting ID Number 99667667226. Else paste directly into your browser and enter the meeting ID Number 99667667226.

    Row Person of the Year 2021 - Mr. John Cullen

    Following a Zoom Committee Meeting on December 17th, PPU President Jerry Carroll, announced the election of John Cullen (class of 1964) as Row Person of the Year for 2021. Jerry said that he could not think of a more deserving recipient of this prestigious award and he looked forward to presenting the PV Doyle trophy to John at a suitable date in 2021 when, hopefully, the “new normality” will come into effect. Further details of John Cullen’s career and outstanding work on behalf of the PPU are set out below.

    Mr. John Cullen

    John was a member of the centenary class of 1964. After school he joined the civil service and continued his studies in the evenings, graduating from UCD with a Diploma in Public Administration and a B Comm. His civil service career was in the Dept of the Environment and Local Government. John rose to a senior position and headed up a number of important and high profile developments. He joined the Institute of Public Administration for the final seven years of his career and retired in 2009.

    John didn’t rest on his laurels when he retired and he joined the board of Oaklee Housing – a voluntary housing association – for a ten year spell and was its chair for five years. He also served as a board director of Choice Housing, the largest housing association on the island, based in the North, for nine years.

    John played football and hurling at the ROW with some distinction. He hurled with Fontenoy Clanna Gael until he was “found out” (his own words!) at the age of 46. He was selected to play for Dublin on many occasions in his long career.

    John served as President of the PPU in 2013/14 and 2014/15. During that time he spearheaded the 150 year projects and celebrations as well as the 1916 centenary commemorations. These were outstanding successes especially, the production of our 150 Year Book Cuimhneachan. John did an excellent job of editing the book as well as contributing many of the articles. There were many highlights to recall at that time, including the visit of our Taoiseach, Enda Kenny, to unveil a plaque to honour the school for its contribution to education over 150 years. John also spearheaded the Archive Project which set up a digital record of the school rolls stretching back to its foundation in 1864. This was a massive research project given the length of time involved and also the poor state of the records available. These important records of our historic alma mater are now available, on line, through the PPU website thanks to John and the committee he lead at the time.

    John still continues to serve the PPU as Hon Sec and his communication and organisational skills are invaluable.

    Let’s hope that it won’t be too long until the President will be in a position to present the PV Doyle Trophy to John at a suitable ceremony.

    Message from the President - December 2020

    As well as announcing the award, Jerry wished all past pupils and their families every blessing and good wishes for Christmas and the New Year. reflecting on 2020, Jerry said that this has been a unique year for us all with the impact of Covid19 being felt right across the World. Some have suffered greatly and we should remember, in our thoughts and prayers, all those who have lost, as a result of the pandemic or other illness, a family member, a close relative or friend, or those who have been affected in any way by illness. Cuirmear i gcuimhne iad go leir

    PPU WhatsAPP Groups

    The use of WhatsApp on our mobile phones mushroomed in the early days of the Lockdown. Many families, sporting and other organisations set up WhatsApp Groups to provide a quick and convenient way to keep in touch and send photos etc. The PPU set up a Group called ROW News and a number of classes set up WhatsApp Groups to communicate with past pupils in their own classes. Each class is under the control of a Manager with responsibility to pass on to his class mates any news relating to past pupils which he receives from ROW News. Any member of a class group, not just the Manager, can send messages to his group. All group managers can also send messages to ROW News on the following mobile number (0872557298 Jim Conway).

    The scheme has been very successful and many interesting articles, news items and photos have been flying around. A lot of ROW history, anecdotes, photos etc. have been passed around. My own Group (1962) has been very active and provided great entertainment during lockdown/cocooning days. That Group is managed by Michael O’Sullivan and now has 12 members, including one overseas member, Marius Sykes, who lives in England. Any past pupil who would like to get on a Group should text his phone number to his “Year Manager” if he recognises him below. If your year is not here just text your number to me (Jim Conway 0872557298) and Jim Conway put you on a Group.

    Contact Numbers and Years

    1973 Dan Ferrari 087 6238136

    1976 John Costello 087 9802940

    1971 Ed Hanlon 087 2551657

    1967 Denis Kane 087 2546898

    1966 Brendan Malone 087 2649144

    1964 John Cullen 087 2312728

    1962 Michael O’Sullivan 086 2591790

    1961 Emmet Wilson 087 2492954

    Deceased Past Pupils 2020

    The PPU became aware of the deaths of six members during 2020. These were Chris Kane, Cyril Stirrat, Peter Dolan, Don Byrne, Charlie Glennon and Ray Duggan. All were prayed for during the Mass for St. Andrew’s day celebrated by the Archbishop on Sunday December 29th.

    Row Person of the Year 2020 - Mr. Pat Neill

    The President Jerry Carroll and Committee of the Westland Row Past Pupils Union are delighted to announce that the Row Person of the year is Mr. Pat Neill, Head of Security at the Dundrum Shopping Centre.
 Pat will be presented with the PV Doyle trophy at our Annual Dinner on Saturday January 25th

    Mr. Pat Neill MBA

    Pat completed his Leaving Cert in 1973 and joined an Garda Siochana in September 1974. He was appointed to the rank of Detective in 1978, involved in the newly formed Anti-Terrorist Unit. Pat reached the rank of Inspector and trained with most of the Anti-Terrorist Units in Europe and in New Jersey USA.

    1993 to 2000, Pat managed the Specialist training school, Phoenix Park, Garda Headquarters.

    1994 - Awarded the Toast Masters of the Year Award - Hellfire Toast Masters Club.

    1994 - Received Garda National Award for developing a Drugs Awareness Information Strategy Programme for all Garda Districts, in order to deliver a a single message when lecturing to schools throughout the country.

    1997 - Developed and co-ordinated the first course for the Criminal Asset Bureau (CAB) on Money Laundering and Asset seizing. (Garda, Customs and Revenue)

    1998 - Developed the Batchelor of Arts Degree Programme “BA Degree in Police Management” for Senior Garda Officers (in association with Limerick University).

    1997 - Conferred with the International Executive Master in Business Administration (IE.MBA), Smurfit Business School.

    Pat acted as an advisor on the 2016 to 2022 DLR County Development Plan on matters relating to County Transportation. He ensures that the DLR Chamber is represented on the (SPC’s) advisory committees, Public and Social Housing Committees.

    Pat represents Dundrum Town Centre Retailers on two of IBEC’s advisory committees relating to H&S in Retail and the Transportation Committee.

    Member, Board of Dun Laoghaire Rathdown (DLR) Chamber of Commerce since 2008. From May 2016 to May 2018 Pat served as President of the DLR Chamber of Commerce. Pat remains a Director of the DLR Chamber to this day.

    Save the Date - January 26th, 2019

    Annual Dinner. Westbury Hotel, January 26, 2019

    This takes place, as usual in the Westbury Hotel, on Saturday 26 January 2019.   We are now opening bookings, price €60.   Please make contact with John Cullen, and I'll ensure that your name is in the pot

    Row Person of the Year 2019 - Prof. Pat Felle

    The PPU are delighted to announce that the Row Person of the Year for 2019 is Dr. Pat Felle. Dr Pat Felle. Associate Dean, Medicine (International)  Patrick Felle graduated from UCD School of Medicine in 1983, having spent some years in banking and ICT before his medical studies.  Following internship in the Mater Hospital Internship programme, he completed a BSc in Anatomy and Physical Anthropology, and was Research Fellow in Anatomy in UCD from 1986-1988.  He was  lecturer in Anatomy at RCSI from 1988-1994 and was then appointed lecturer in Anatomy at UCD.  He studied for an MSc in Healthcare Informatics in 1997 and established the subject area of Medical Informatics in UCD.  He is currently Head of Medical Informatics at UCD and Senior Lecturer in Anatomy, with a special interest in clinical neuroanatomy.  Dr. Felle has since graduation maintained a clinical practice.  He worked in family medicine in Canada in 1985 and has held a number of parttime clinical appointments since then, including 20 years as parttime Assistant in Emergency Medicine in Beaumont Hospital in Dublin.  He recently returned to parttime family practice, with a special interest in dermatology.   Dr. Felle has extensive experience in international medical education.  He was lecturer and examiner in the postgraduate surgical examinations of the Royal College of Surgeons in the Middle East.  He has chaired the UCD Medicine Admissions Committee for some years.  In 2012 he was appointed Associate Dean for International Studies and is responsible for the international medical students who historically came mainly from North America, Malaysia and Singapore.  Dr. Felle has in the past three years actively diversified UCD recruitment of medical students to add many other countries including in this past year Mauritius, India, Trinidad & Tobago, Egypt, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Hong Kong and Nigeria.  These young people coming to Ireland to study medicine are adding to the rich international culture at UCD.

    Annual Dinner. Westbury Hotel, January 26, 2019

    This takes place, as usual in the Westbury Hotel, on Saturday 26 January 2019.   We are now opening bookings, price €60.   Please make contact with John Cullen, and I'll ensure that your name is in the pot

    Save the Date - January 26th, 2018

    Annual Mass 2019

    As has been the practice in recent years, the annual Mass for deceased past pupils coincides with the St Andrews Day Mass.   This takes place at 11.30 in St Andrews Church, Westland Row on Sunday 2 December. The chief celebrant this year is the Archbishop of Dublin. There is also a lunch afterwards in the Grand Canal Hotel (€25) for those who wish to go. Please let John Cullen know if you know of any past pupils who died during the year, so that we can provide names to the parish

    Row Person of the Year 2019 - Call for Nominations

    We are seeking nominations from past pupils for Row Person of the Year 2019, to add to nominations made in previous years.   If you consider someone worthy of the honour, please let me know, setting out why you consider him/her suitable.   Please let John Cullen know not later than Friday 24 November.

    Annual Dinner. Westbury Hotel, January 26, 2019

    This takes place, as usual in the Westbury Hotel, on Saturday 26 January 2019.   We are now opening bookings, price €60.   Please make contact with John Cullen, and I'll ensure that your name is in the pot

    Row Person of the Year 2018 - Jim Farrelly

    The PPU are delighted to announce that the Row Person of the Year for 2018 is Jim Farrelly (aka Jim Farley). Jim graduated from the class of 1955 and immediately joined The Earl Gill band as a professional musician. While at the Row he also attended the Municipal School of Music to study clarinet and saxophone. In 1963 he went on to form The Jim Farley Big Band and played through the era of showband entertainment all over Ireland. Jim played with Jerry Lee Lewis, Louis Armstrong, Diana Ross, Sheba, Roly Daniels and other stars while they toured Ireland. Later Jim formed Jim Farley and the Top Hatters, a 22 piece band with 6 vocalists which toured/played in Europe. Jim currently plays with friends in a Dixieland jazz band each Sunday evening at Sin E on Dublin’s Ormond Quay. Jim married Terri in 1958 and they have 3 sons, Karl, Mark and Ian and 3 grandchildren.  Jim and Terri live in Clontarf.

    Save the Date - January 27th, 2018

    Annual Dinner. January 27th, 2018

    The Annual Dinner will take place in The Westbury Hotel on Saturday, January 27th, 2018. All past pupils are encouraged to attend this important and hugely enjoyable annual event. We particularly encourage past pupils for whom 2017 is the 10th, 20th, 30th, etc. anniversary of finishing your studies at Westland Row CBS. We look forward to welcoming you to the 2018 Dinner.

    Row Person of the Year 2018 - Call Closed

    The call for nominations has now expired. We thank members for their nominations. The Row Person of the Year 2018 will be announced before the Annual Dinner in Jan 2018.

    Row Person of the Year 2017 - Call Closed

    The call for nominations has now expired. We thank members for their nominations. The Row Person of the Year 2017 will be announced before the Annual Dinner in Jan 2017.

    Row Person of the Year 2017 - Nominations Sought

    The PPU are seeking nominations for the Row Person of the Year. You are strongly encouraged to email your nominations to the PPU Secretary Jim Conway at Please include a brief case in support of the nominee and contact details for him/her. All queries should be directed to Jim. Nominations should be received by October 30th 2016.

    Window on the Past - The Kelly Brothers

    November 1st 2016. Des Byrne has unearthed yet more examples of WR CBS pupils involved in 1916. Go to Window on the Past and download the piece on the Kelly Brothers, Joe and Thomas.

    PPU AGM Wednesday, April 6th, 2016 at 7pm

    The PPU Annual General Meeting will take place on April 6th. at 7 pm in the school and we urge as many past pupils as possible to come along and make your voices heard. The committee has been very busily engaged over the last few years with the 150th anniversary events and the publication of Cuimhneachan which was launched at the annual dinner in January. We are still hard at work on projects to commemorate 1916 and will shortly be announcing important events to remember past pupils who gave their lives and who participated in the struggle for the freedom we enjoy today – watch this space. In the meantime, we look forward to seeing you on the 6th. when all the old geezers in the photo below will be up for re-election. Jim Conway, PPU Hon. Sec.

    A Decade of Remembrance

    The School Management and PPU have been very active in promoting the role of the school and its past pupils during this, the decade of commemorating the momentous events which took place 100 years ago.

    The most recent event, on 14 March, saw the direct descendants of the Pearse family attend at the school to present the Pearse coat of arms, sponsored by the PPU, to the school museum. The family members included Noel Scarlett, a sprightly 87 year old great grandson of the Pearses’ father. James Pearse re-married after the death of his first wife, and Noel is the grandson of the son, James, of that first marriage. That makes him a grand nephew of Patrick and Willie Pearse. Both sides of the family lived happily together in what was then Great Brunswick St, and later in Cullenswood House, Ranelagh. Noel was accompanied on the occasion by his two sons, Ciarán and Patrick, as well as Ciarán’s wife, Mary.

    For further reading and some pictures from the event:

    Click Here

    “ROW” boy running for Seanad Eireann 2016

    Past pupil Eoin Meehan MSc CITP FICS has thrown his hat into the ring as a contender in the upcoming Seanad race and is seeking support from fellow past pupils. Eoin is a very interesting character and it would be great to have a past pupil in the “corridors of power”. Eoin was actually born in London in 1962. His parents (both Dubs) had to emigrate due to economic circumstances but they brought the family home in 1964 and Eoin started school in Clarendon Street (where the Westbury is now) and then Westland Row. on graduating in 1979 Eoin did a computer programming course in AnCO (the predecessor of Fas) and developed a very keen interest in technology. Eoin kicked off his career as a commercial programmer working with a number of Irish software houses, in the early ’80’s.

    In the late ’80’s Eoin started working with public data networks, as well as modems and dial-up (Remember that?) and then moved to a campus company based at UCD that allowed him to work with the Internet.

    Eoin worked with Intel as a senior engineer building the production control systems for the new FAB14 manufacturing facility at Leixlip in the late ’90’s and also with Bank of Ireland on numerous occasions as an electronic messaging specialist and a Unix specialist.

    In 2006, Eoin fulfilled a long held dream of attending Trinity. He was accepted as a mature student for direct access to a M.Sc course. Two years later Eoin graduated with flying colours with both his parents present on a very special occasion.

    Since leaving college Eoin worked with an Irish company in the mobile the mobile telecoms industry, helping to build their consultancy division from 0 to 15 consultants working world wide and also as a senior consultant with Dell in London, specialising in technology transformation programmes for very large organisations.

    Eoin also worked in TCD on an EU FP7 project – Networks for Communications Challenged Communities (N4C). Lately, Eoin co-founded a small start up , Sprism Ltd. with a colleague from his M.Sc course, Peter Williams, and they are working to commercialise his doctoral research into data dystems into data analysis and visualisation. This brought Eoin into the start up ecosystem and engagements with Enterprise Ireland, NDRC and others.

    Eoin is a member of the Irish Computer Society and the first Chartered IT Professional to be chartered by the ICS. He is also a fellow of the Society.

    In his spare time Eoin is a recreational motorcyclist and enjoys war games with his (now grown up) children. He also dabbled in martial arts and has progressed in Laido, the Japanese samurai sword art. He is also a sci-fi fan, plays the flute and was a member of the Irish Youth Orchestra and the Westland Row Concert Band.

    The above is a brief Bio of Eoin and more details are available on his website, Facebook and Linkedin.

    We wish Eoin well in his efforts to make the Seanad.

    Cuimhneachan 1864 - 2014

    Our 150th. Anniversary Yearbook, Cuimhneachan 1864 - 2014, was launched at our Annual Dinner on Saturday last and already has received rave reviews. We believe that it will stand the test of time as a significant record of our historic school. It runs to 236 pages and is packed with photographs and information on achievements by pupils - past and present. The section entitled The Revolutionary Years, by Des Byrne, is an outstanding record of the involvement of past pupils and their families in the Easter Rising, The Great War and the War of Independence. This has particular significance this year. The publication is priced at €20 plus postage/packaging.

    You can now order your copy/copies and make payment by either

    a) a bank transfer to the PPU at:

         IBAN: IE 16 BOFI 9013 7810 3670 25 (no spaces)

         BIC: BOFIIE2D


    b) a secure credit card facility by clicking directly on the link below. Thanks to Brian Whelan (Row Person of the Year 2016) of Bermingham Cameras for making this facility available to the PPU.

    The cost per copy to include postage and packaging is -

    €27.50 for Ireland

    €30 for UK/Europe

    €35 for Rest of World

    Any additional donation you wish to make to support the work of the PPU will be most welcome. Please email Jim Conway or Michael O'Sullivan with the full names and addresses for postage purposes.

    On receipt of your payment and email your Publication will be posted to you. Many thanks for your support. If you happen to be in town you can collect your copy at Bermingham Cameras on Burgh Quay and save the postage cost. 

    PPU Committee.

    Click Here


    The Past Pupils Union is delighted to announce that Brian Whelan has been selected as Row Person of the Year 2016. Brian left the Row in 1969 to start work in the long established and well known camera and photographic business, Bermingham Cameras in Burgh Quay. Brian’s interest in photography had prompted him to seek holiday work in the shop over a few years and when the offer of a permanent position cropped up he jumped at it. The business went from strength to strength and Brian was made Manager in 1978. He acquired the business fully in 1997. The business continues to prosper and is now managed by Brian’s son. Brian married Marian in 1979. They have one son and three daughters. Brian will be presented with the P.V Doyle Memorial Trophy(the 39th. recipient) at the annual dinner at the Westbury Hotel on Saturday January 30th.

    January Event

    Annual Dinner - January 30th 2016

    Annual Dinner on Saturday 30 January, 2016. The ticket price remains at €60. Venue: Westbury Hotel

    November Events

    OPEN NIGHT THURSDAY 26TH. 6.30pm – 8pm - The Principal, Kate Byrne, is hosting the above and has issued an open invitation to past pupils. A heated marquee will be erected in the yard, cheese and wine will be available. We hope to have some music and a preview of the Archive Project which is a digitised version of the school rolls back to 1864.

    LUNCHTIME RECITAL THURSDAY 26TH - Kathryn Smith has asked us to mention her recital in St. Ann’s church Dawson Street on the above date. She will be joined by fellow soprano Antoinette Heery and accompanied by Carole O’Connor. We remember the great night we had last May at our May Time Melodies concert which Kathryn put together for us at short notice. Kathryn hails from the Pearse Street area and performs regularly in St. Andrew’s.

    ANNUAL MASS FOR DECEASED PAST PUPILS - SUNDAY 29TH - Archbishop Dr. Diarmuid Martin will be in St. Andrew’s on Sunday 29th to celebrate Mass at 11.30am. He will also pray for all deceased past pupils especially Ray Treacy, Paddy Finn, Michael Fagan and Jimmy O’Brien who passed away during the year. There is lunch afterwards in the Alexander but the booking date has now passed. If anyone would really like to go to the lunch please give Jim Conway a shout on 087 2557298 and he will see if he can secure an extra seat or two.

    Update - Sunday Nov. 29th 2015. MASS FOR DECEASED PAST PUPILS. The annual Mass for deceased past pupils of Westland Row CBS was celebrated by Archbishop Dr. Diarmuid Martin at St. Andrew’s Westland Row today, St. Andrew’s Day, November 29th 2015. All deceased past pupils, especially those who died during the current year; Ray Treacy, Paddy Finn, Michael Fagan and Jimmy O’Brien were prayed for during Mass. the congregation included the President of the PPU John Cullen and a good turnout of past pupils. The school was also well represented on the alter by Monsignor Dan O’Connor and Canon Patsy Fagan. Patsy is one of the oldest living past pupils and elder brother of Michael Fagan who died during the year.

    Michael Fagan RIP (25/10/2015)

    The Past Pupils Union regrets to announce the death of past pupil Michael Fagan RIP. Michael passed away on October 25th, 2015. He served as Honorary Secretary to the PPU for many years. Further details on Michael’s life and connection to the PPU are available on the PPU Blog. Ar Dheis De go raibh a anam dilis.

    Paddy Finn, RIP. (11/1/1934 - 14/9/2015)

    The PPU regrets to announce the death of our former President Paddy Finn RIP. Paddy was a great stalwart of the PPU during difficult times and served as President in 1990 and 1991. Please see the PPU blog for further details on Paddy's life.

    150th Anniversary Concert

    To mark the 150th Centenary a gala concert took place on the 16th May at 7.30pm in St Ann’s Church, Dawson Street- A beautiful venue. The night was featured Soprano Kathryn Smith, Soprano Antoinette Heery, Soprano Paul Kelly and the Cor Unum Singers.

    Row Person 2015

    The President and Committee are delighted to announce that BRIAN DOWLING has been elected as Row Person of the year 2015. He was presented with the P.V. DOYLE MEMORIAL TROPHY at the 50TH Anniversary Celebratory Dinner in the WESTBURY HOTEL on Saturday January 31st 2015.

    Annual Dinner Jan 31st,2015

    The dinner took place in the WESTBURY HOTEL on Saturday January 31st. We will have pictures up form it soon 2015


    It is hoped that this new website will be easy to use for PPU members and all alumni of the school. We welcome comments and suggestions for improvement.

    The 150th Anniversary

    Preparations are underway and progress on each event will be reported here on the website over the next few months.

    Golf Society

    The last outing of the 2014 season took place at Foxrock GC on Friday October 10th. There was a very good turnout for this popular outing with 35 playing golf in balmy autumn conditions.

    The main prize winners were –

    1st. Frank Whelan with 42 points 2nd Brian Donnelly with 38 points 3rd Paul O’Donoghue with 36 points (back nine) 4th Jim Conway with 36 points.

    Frank Whelan was also presented with the Pat McGrath Memorial Trophy. This magnificent silver cup was presented to the society by Pat’s family shortly after he died some years ago in honour of one of the Row’s great sportsmen. Pat’s wife, Anne and family continue to be very generous to the society and we are very grateful to them. Our Captain for 2014, John Frain, was presented with the Des Stirrat trophy for Golfer of the Year. John had the best cumulative score after 3 of the 4 outings in 2014.

    The outings earlier in the year were –

    President’s Prize (Des Donnelly) – Woodbrook, May 16th. Captain’s Prize (John Frain) – Stackstown, June 20th. Vice Captain’s Prize (Stephen Kenny) – Edmundstown, August 22nd.

    The AGM of the Golf Society was held before dinner in Foxrock. The following officers were elected – President – Des Donnelly. Captain – Stephen Kenny, Vice-Captain – Alan O’Connor (Jnr) Honorary Secretary – Tony Kenny, Honorary Treasurer – Brian Donnelly.

    It was decided that there will be 3 outings in 2015. These will be the President’s Prize at Woodbrook in May or June. The Captain’s Prize at Edmundstown in July or August and the Foxrock outing in October. The new committee will announce dates as soon as possible and members were encouraged to encourage new members to come along in 2015.


    Golf Society

    Notice of golf outings for 2015


    I hope this finds you all well and looking forward to a good summer marred now and again by a less than perfect game of golf. I give advance notice the PPU golf outings planned for the coming season. Last Summer’s outings were excellent both as regards the golf itself and the good fortune to having played in the good weather. I hope we can look forward in anticipation of some more great weather and enjoyable golf in 2015.

    The members voted at the last annual general meeting to reduce the number of outings to three per year. The outing dates have now been booked and the details are set out below. Please make a note of the three outings in your diary, mobile phone or on your calendar. The committee encourages as many members as possible to participate in all the planned outings. The outings are well spaced out, are excellent value and are being played on good quality courses close to the M50.

    President’s prize (Des Donnelly) - Woodbrook - 22nd May - 1 to 2:30 - Green fee and three course meal €60

    Captain’s prize (Stephen Kenny) - Edmonstown - 24th July - 1:45 to 3:15 - Green fee and meal €55

    AGM and ‘Bring a Bottle’ - Foxrock - Friday 9th October -12:30 to 2 - Green fee and meal €60

    Annual subscription

    Part of the annual membership subscription goes towards the purchase of prizes for the outings. The 2015 subscription, €15, is very reasonable. It would be great if Members could forward their subscription cheque to Brian Donnelly at Apt. 6, Marley House, Taylor’s Hill, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16, in advance of the first outing. Alternatively, the subscription may be given to Brian in Woodbrook.

    Handicap arrangements for this season

    The revised handicap adjustment arrangement, used on a trial basis for the 2014 season, appears to have worked well and there were no complaints. The adjustment arrangement gives certain members a better chance of being in the running for the available prizes:

    Handicap Rules:

    A. Maximum Handicap shall be 28

    B. A club member cannot play off a handicap higher than his GUI handicap

    C. A club member must notify a member of the committee if his GUI handicap changes.

    Handicap adjustment for prizewinners:

    Overall winner’s handicap will be reduced by 2 shots from the next following outing Second prize winner’s handicap will be reduced by 1 shot from the next following outing Prize winners will recover 0.3 shot after each following outing if no prize won

    Contact details

    Please advise me of any changes to your email address and/or mobile number.

    Reply request

    I would appreciate an acknowledgement of this notice from all recipients.

    Arranging timesheets

    A text and email reminder will be circulated two weeks before each individual outing date to encourage members to firm up on timing and playing partner preferences. As usual, slots are allocated on a first come, first served basis, so get your requests in early. As always, your comments and suggestions are most welcome. Members are encouraged to bring a visitor and to encourage new members to join the society. If any member wishes to propose a person for membership of the golf society please contact either Brian (087 6183651), Des (086 2607881) or myself (087 2623700), by telephone or text. The vice-captain for 2015 is Alan O’Connor Junior, a keen supporter of the golf society.

    Kind Regards,

    Tony Kenny